Client: COC Twente-Achterhoek
Subject: Designing and illustrating the poster for COC in the classroom
For the COC Twente-Achterhoek, a poster has been designed that can be put up in the classroom after the presentation by the COC. After consultation, the idea emerged to make a poster that represents sexual orientation and gender identity in a fun and recognizable way, in the form of a group of different people who all have their own literal “label”.

Some wear their label with pride, others may prefer to hide it, another person else has multiple labels. You can’t tell in real life which label they wear, but what if you could?
Design process
The COC delivered a biography for each character. After sketches were made to determine the appearance of the characters, a concept was made for the illustration itself. I first came up with a setup where the characters were next to each other like a group photo. This wasn’t ‘the one’, there was zero link with school. There was not enough interaction and it was rather static.

Let’s do some digging… what did you do during recess at school? I see picnic tables outside, if you were fast enough you could get a nice spot. A school bag next to it, maybe discussing homework, or complain about the German teacher. The second setup was a lot better. OK, great. Next step: Add color to the concept and continue with the design of the poster itself.

Concept version 2 reads best from top to bottom. By placing the bag and Anouk’s boot over the blue surface you create a little more playfulness and depth. In addition, the yellow post-it does not dominate the image like in the concept of version 1. Final step: Process the feedback and finalize the illustration and the poster.