Clients: Gemeente Enschede, Queenie Productions
Subject: Making of a prompting board for ‘Learning Dutch with Pim’ with ‘classroom’ as a theme.
For Praten met Pim/Learning Dutch with Pim I drew a prompting board with the theme ‘classroom’. Both toddlers and preschoolers can be seen in the same picture. My client gave me a long list of words that had to be included in the illustration.

A prompting board can be used to broaden the vocabulary of kids and have a conversation about what they are seeing. All kinds of questions can be asked. ‘What is recognizable to you? What’s happening here? Have you ever experienced that?’ But they are also work really well as a search and find illustration.
The sketch concept with all the words and the final lineart version. Spot the differences 🙂
For ‘Learning Dutch with Pim’ I’ve made several different prompting boards. Want to know more about Pim? Learn all about it here.